Mission Statement


The League of Creative Minds (LCM) was created to provide an entry way for high-ability middle school and high school students into public policy, international world affairs, leadership roles, public advocacy, diplomacy, investigative journalism, and the inner workings of governments, international organizations, and the United Nations.

The tools we utilize to accomplish these goals are the year-round League classes where our approach creates deep conversations and powerful human connections. In addition to the regular League classes, we host intra-league debates, the LCM Field Study program and professional experts.  Finally LCM delegates attend national and international debate conferences, participate in UN Briefings or U.S. Commissions, and research in the field at the local, national, and international level. 

The League of Creative Minds seeks to raise awareness amongst students about issues of broad influence that currently affect the peoples of the world, and to bring about social transformation by acting as catalysts to societal issues. Our programs seek to provide a meeting point for a plethora of various subjects taught in school curriculums, together with the reality of the world today, and the foreseeable future. With this knowledge, the League members attempt to seek solutions for international conflicts by the use of  logic, peace, dialogue, debate and negotiation. These practices, coupled with high ethical intentions, develop traits of leadership within the delegates, and leads to more concious and socially productive life paths.

The Best is the Enemy of the Good.

~ Voltaire

We firmly believe that knowledge precedes understanding, and that understanding in turn, will ignite gratitude, compassion and acceptance.